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Ведерникова Александра

Работы автора

  • A paradox about religion in Britain (2005/06 уч. год)

    раздел: Религиоведение

    1.There is a paradox about religion in Britain. On the one hand this is officially a Christian country, where Church and state are linked. On the other, Hindus,Muslims and Sikhs form quite a large part of the population, and the British pride themselves in tolerance and adaptability. At the same time, many religious groups appear to be growing, while most young people have no religious beliefs at all.
    2. Organized Christianity is in decline in most countries and the Church of England is no exception.
    3. The monarch is not only the symbolic head of state, but he is also the head of the Church of England.
    4. Apart from Christianity, there are at least five other religions with a substantial number of adherents in Britain, and the British pride themselves in tolerance and adoptability.
    5. Outsiders sometimes see possible tensions between one religion and another. But regardless of viewpoint, most people in Britain whether religious or not, consider the matter of faith to be a private and personal matter. And I think that religious tolerance is declared, as one of the most important spheres of home policy and may be very helpful for making the modern British society stesdy and prosperous.