
Портфолио автора

Попп Екатерина

Работы автора

  • Taimir is My Birth Place (2006/07 уч. год)

    раздел: Лингвистика

    Зимнее убранство г. Норильска

    My work is about Taimir. It is my birthplace. The landscape of my place is unique. The climate is very severe. It snows for 80 days. In winter the temperature falls to 50 degrees below zero. But I live in this region and I want to stay here after finishing school.

  • Men and Women at War (2007/08 уч. год)

    раздел: Лингвистика

    Военные годы

    My work is devoted to the Second World War. It is about the role of British and Russian men and women at war. I want to tell about Soviet women pilots and about British women, about the heroes who fought without legs. The youth in our modern life should know their heroes.