
Портфолио автора

Мокрушина Александра Павловна

Образовательное учреждение: МАОУ"Гимназия №2",г.Пермь

Работы автора

  • Реферат "Is Learning Foreign Languages of Great Importance Nowadays?" (2013/14 уч. год)

    разделы: Лингвистика, Английский язык

    In our research work we have studied the types of communication, the most spoken languages in the world, reasons and ways of learning foreign languages. We have done a small research among the students of our gymnasia aged 10-17 to find out their position about multilingualism of our society. We have also worked out some tips for people who want to learn a language.It can be useful for teachers at their lessons teaching the theme «Learning foreign languages».