Портфолио автора
Гимадиева Эльвира Наилевна
Образовательное учреждение: МБОУ "Гимназия № 155 с татарским языком обучения", г. Казань
Работы автора
Personal Letters (2008/09 уч. год)
раздел: Лингвистика
The work is devoted to the aspect of writing. It cintains a strategy of writing personal letters: a sample-letter and a replay. The material will be interesting and helpful for those who want to have friends from English-speaking countries.
Such a mysterious and wonderful Happy New Year (2011/12 уч. год)
разделы: Лингвистика, Краеведение, Английский язык
The work tells about different ways of celebrating New Year in some countries. It includes a colourful Presentation, informing about celebration's peculiarities of the New Year's Day in Russia, China and Tatarstan.
Art Collection (2012/13 уч. год)
разделы: Искусствоведение, Лингвистика, Английский язык
Art is important in our life because it helps to express our feelings and emotions. As for the pictures and photos, they help us to appreciate the beauty of the modern world and good relations with our close people. Many things are really temporary today but art is forever.