Портфолио автора
Лазарева Анна Александровна
Образовательное учреждение: МАОУ Лицей № 14 им. заслуженного учителя РФ А.Н. Кузьмина г. Тамбова
Работы автора
Sovereigns' reign in Great Britain and Russia in the 16th century (2012/13 уч. год)
разделы: История, археология, Лингвистика, Английский язык
Elizabeth I and Ivan IV are the most famous rulers of England and Russia of the Middle age. They were the absolute monarchs of their countries for nearly half a century. Their personalities and historical roles are still rather controversial and arise the interest of scientists and historians. Therefore, the aim of my resarch is to compare the personalities of Elizabeth I and Ivan IV and to investigate the origins of Russian-English relationships.