
Портфолио автора

Егорова Яна Александровна

Образовательное учреждение: МАОУ Лицей № 14 им. заслуженного учителя РФ А.Н. Кузьмина г. Тамбова

Работы автора

  • Humour as part of the British national culture (2012/13 уч. год)

    разделы: Лингвистика, Английский язык

    Humour and laughter are two of the essential parts of national culture which reflect its peculiar features. Of all the characteristics, good and bad, for which the British are known in the outside world, their sense of humour is one of the best-known and most positevely regarded. Thus, I have decided to do the research work of British humour — to analyse it and to understand the national character of British people better.