Портфолио автора
Пимонова Елена Владимировна
Образовательное учреждение: Городская гимназия, г.Димитровград
Работы автора
The rainbow of fantasy in Josephine Wall's paintings (2012/13 уч. год)
разделы: Лингвистика, Художественное творчество, Английский язык
In this work we investigate several paintings of Josephine Wall. Her paintings teach people to be kinder, more sympathetic, to appreciate the World, People and Nature. This research was carried out to draw the viewer's attention to these issues and to find ways to solve them: through the improvement and enjoyment of Beauty. Beauty will save the world. In this case, Beauty is the work of Josephine Wall. Let's enjoy, watching them and let’s make the world better, brighter and even more fantastic.