
Портфолио автора

Христолюбов Иван Игоревич

Образовательное учреждение: ГБОУ лицей "Вторая школа" ЮЗАО

Работы автора

  • Galileo Galilei and his experimental work in physics (2012/13 уч. год)

    разделы: Лингвистика, Физика, Английский язык

    As the legend says, Galileo reached the top of the Pisa Tower and started to throw down spheres of different masses, and his assistant wrote down the time of falling. The time of the flight was almost the same every time, despite the spheres' masses. Thus, the Aristotles' teachings on the matter of the falling bodies were refuted. The law of falling bodies set the foundation of the mechanics that describes any kind of bodies' movement.