Портфолио автора
Ляшенко Егор Андреевич
Образовательное учреждение: МБОУ "Гимназия № 2"
Работы автора
The Pleasure Of Reading (2013/14 уч. год)
разделы: Лингвистика, Литературоведение, Английский язык
The problem of the modern world is that children prefer to watch films not to read books. The theme of our work is very important and up-to-date, because now we can read a lot of books in English which hadn’t been published in Russian before. We can read a lot of electronic books (e — books). The goal of our work is to show the pleasure of reading. The objectives of our work are: to know what books can be; to do different tasks, to answer the questions, to translate the sentences.