Работа, представленная на фестиваль
Реферат "Is Learning Foreign Languages of Great Importance Nowadays?"
Разделы: Лингвистика, Английский язык
Учебный год: 2013 / 2014
Автор: Мокрушина Александра Павловна, 8-й класс
Руководитель: Стопакевич Людмила Анатольевна, учитель английского языка
Материалы работы: 605189.7z *
Описание работы:
In our research work we have studied the types of communication, the most spoken languages in the world, reasons and ways of learning foreign languages. We have done a small research among the students of our gymnasia aged 10-17 to find out their position about multilingualism of our society. We have also worked out some tips for people who want to learn a language.It can be useful for teachers at their lessons teaching the theme «Learning foreign languages».
Контактная информация:
- Эл. почта: parabolika@mail.ru
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