Работа, представленная на фестиваль
The Reasons That Made Some Famous Writers Create the Epitaph for Themselves

Разделы: Лингвистика, Английский язык
Учебный год: 2014 / 2015
Коллектив авторов:
- Лелекова Дарья Александровна, 10-й класс
- Зотова Елизавета Павловна, 10-й класс
Руководитель: Затолокина Мария Александровна, учитель английского языка
Материалы работы: 609673.7z *
Описание работы:
The main aim of our research was to understand what could make some famous people write the final words long before the death. We tried to understand the things, Sir Walter Raleigh and Robert Louis Stevenson who gave us many wonderful creations, wanted to convey to their future generations. When we deeply analyzed their biographies, imagined the atmosphere in which they lived and worked, learnt some information about their wishes and dreams, we came to a conclusion that the reasons for the epitaphs were different.
Контактная информация:
- Эл. почта: marysya1363@mail.ru
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