
Работа, представленная на фестиваль

Analysis of the Symbols in the Poems By Dylan Thomas (on the example of two of his works)

Разделы: Лингвистика, Английский язык

Учебный год: 2015 / 2016

Автор: Кещян Елизавета Енофовна, 11-й класс

Руководитель: Затолокина Мария Александровна, завуч, учитель английского языка

Материалы работы: 610761.7z *

Описание работы:

Dylan Thomas is one of the writers who has often been associated with Welsh literature and culture in the last sixty years. He is possibly the most notable Welsh author.Aims and goals. To get acquainted with biography and peculiarities of the works by Dylan Thomas. To analyze some pieces of poetry by Dylan Thomas.

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